Thursday, May 28, 2009

How To DJ...Do you make these mistakes?

Are you playing around with the idea of learning how to DJ?

Do you want to be a success? Are you going to be the person that everyone wants to know and talk to?

Are you aware of the main components that will make you a success?

If I've said it once, I've said it a million times, hindsight is better than foresight, so keep reading and you can avoid common mistakes djs make when jumping into the DJ booth.

Listen up...

Do you ignore your own music taste?

Don't make the fatal mistake of ignoring the music you like, in an all out effort to please the crowd
If you pay little attention to the kinds of music that really gets your juices flowing can turn your desire to become a DJ into a boring task.

And believe it or not, that attitude will show through in the music you are playing and the energy you bring to the dance floor.

Do you over-think the kind of music people like to dance to?

Here's a way to think about it...if the music you are considering playing doesn't make you want to move, then why in the world would anyone else want to dance to it?

Do you play with cheap equipment?

Quality of the equipment you use is as important as the type of music you play.

The simple fact of the matter is they go hand in hand.

Regardless of whether you are planning to spin vinyl, cd's, or relying on laptop program, the quality of the equipment you choose can make the performance or break it.

How much value do you place on your headphones?

No doubt about it, as you are learning how to DJ, the kind of headphones you choose can hinder your progress if they are poor quality.

Listen, I’m not kidding around…put durability and comfort at the top of your list.

How about your mixer? Have you cut corners?

Here's the deal...if you plan to only mix music at home and are not particularly concerned with sound quality, inexpensive models may be your best bet.

If you plan to DJ on a large system, which I am sure you do, you will have to invest in a high quality mixer in order to come out on top.

How often do you practice?

You need to practice as often as possible.

It all comes down to this, learning how to become a DJ means putting your best foot forward and practicing as often as possible.

A good rule of thumb is to record your mixing sessions and then listen to them later. This way you'll be able to give yourself some honest feedback on the areas you need to improve on.

The bottom line here is that there is more to learning how to DJ than meets the eye. But, with highly efficient equipment, a passion for music and willingness to practice, you'll hit the right note. But don't take my word for it...try it out and see for yourself.

Here is a link to a great
DJ Guide
This guide is jam packed with secrets to take you to the next level!

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